lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

28th August 2015

After 2 months I feel more comfortable with my work. Maybe because I got used to it, or maybe because I started to be more experienced in it or I am just less stressed, at least in it. Anyway, it is the time to check what other people are doing. So one day in late August, in group of few people we went on the Hans glacier to do some science. It was amazing to see the fissures, how enormous they are and how they are changing across the glacier. Close to the front very big and smaller and smaller with walked kilometers.

Maybe we did 30 km, maybe more or maybe less, anyway somewhere quite far away we visit the place of soviet helicopter crash. It was in late 70ties or 80ties. Everyone died and the rests of the machine are still on the glacier. Few days per year the glacier shows its dark memories to really few visitors. The rest of the year the snow and ice cover again the remainders trying to forget the tragedy.

Amazing to be there.

At the end of the walk, we have visited the ice cave. Unfortunatelly I do not have good camera to capture the greatest photos but anyway i hope you can imagine, it was magnificent. 

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

22nd August 2015

 Sometimes at Hornsund it is very difficult to hunt the summer weather. Recently, every 2 weeks we experience, in the same time,  the free day and clear sky and no strong wind conditions. Then it is the time to go around and explore what had happened. At the beginning of August Hans Glaciar was calving a lot and therefore for few days we had glowlers up to 200 m from the beach.  Then I went with people from Wroclaw University and Wroclaw University of Technology, the same that we have visited in Verenhus few weeks before, to the beach. The ice on the beach was amazing and sometimes there were very big pieces of it. 

Pawel, Kasia, Tadek, Laura, Michal :)
selfie by Laura:)

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

14th Aug 2015

Close to the base there is a little auk colony. They are little, very nice birds, somehow similar to penguins:) Now it is the time that small birds are still in the nests but very soon they will start to fly. Little auks called as well dovekies are good swimmers and travelling with the boat one can see when they are swimming and hunting. 
Dovkies are interesting for many reasons. Unfortunately I am not a specialist, but many people come here to observe and study them, so.. they have to be interesting;)
Even the norvegian vip people went to see them, when they were visiting us.  Thanks to Iza and Lukasz and before Kasia and Darek I could visit the colony and even take part of the science and measure the chicks. I have seen 11 and few of them I could take with my hands. Amazing feeling to handle for the moment small arctic cute animal. 
The auks lives in the nests hidden in the rocks and usually there is only one chick in the nest. I upload some pics from this lovable small visit.

little auk 1

little auk 2

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

10th Aug 2015

The fiord is full of ice. Funny:) We are waiting for yacht Eltanin that will pick up some people from here. He was supposed to be here yesterday, but because of the weather conditions the trip from Longyer takes more time.
Yesterday 8 people form the base were hiking around, so for the more then 24 h we stayed at the base much less people. It was quiet and nice. I could feel some kind of Christmas atmosphere. Very nice:)

Every time I spend less time in the internet. Apart of few things online, I do not need it.
Is better without the net, but at least I can write some arctic news;)
Anyway, there are many days with crappy internet connection.

Ok, they are not exactly news. I need to upload some old information for my family and friends. I need to let them know that I am well and happy and busy. Yeees I am very busy;)

My station friend was in tv and she was talking about station. There is a link .

There were 4 helicopters recently. When there were 3 of them I was sleeping.. hmmm so you can imagine that sometimes I am very tired;) When there was one and I was not sleeping I decided to check what is going on and make new friends. The portugal- norvegian team was filming polar bears.
Very nice work. The guys ate our dinner, talked a bit and flew away. But but.. before they shown me proudly  some bottoms in their machine:)
With the pilot Anders

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

2nd Aug 2015

Hi 3!
live long and prosper
That is a pity but I am not able to write everything what is happening here. 8 days ago, on Sunday we mixed research and lazy afternoon walk with a lot of fun. With 2 boats we explored opposite side of the fjord. It was amazing. I felt like land at strange Earth-like planet.
First, there are no trees, so you cannot estimate the distance to the mountains and how high they are. And they are enormous!!
Then there is a very harsh climate. It is like on Mars, the one with water and higher pressure;) Fortunately, our astronaut suits are warm and dry so the adventure was very nice. Without dry or warm cloths it would be very unpleasant. In this magical place there are nearly no animals, just us, the colonists on the strange planet and the silence.

We have been at 3 different locations, including the whale cemetery, old soviet polar station Konstantinovka and the rocky town. Tomorrow nice new adventure:) good night!!! :)
whale´s bones and my people on the second plan


Whale´s bones

whale´s bones


and more bones

Añadir leyenda

dry and comfort